Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Annual Pilgrimage to Ronald McDonald

Katelyn and Jake, our grandchildren from Oakley, came to stay for a few days this summer. We picked them up in Russell which is half way on a Thursday evening. Two of their cousins, Allie and Hannah who live here in town came also. Friday morning we headed out on our annual pilgrimage to the Ronald McDonald House in Wichita. In the past we have always gone to the one by Wesley Hospital so this year we decided to take them to the one by St Francis/Via Kristi. When Nick was born Cystic Fibrosis his mom and dad stayed at the one by Wesley because that is where he was for 3 weeks. Now when he is in the hospital he stays at Via Kristi. The lady there was very nice and showed us around and explained how they do things there. I think the kids have a better understanding of what the Ronald McDonald House is and how it is so helpful to those who use them. We delivered another 7 and 1/2 pounds of pull tabs so we are over 21 pounds now! Believe me that is a lot of pull tabs!! My co-workers here at ESSDACK have been very kind to help with the collecting of them along with our family.

After that we went to the Town West Mall and did a little shopping and while there Jake, Katelyn and Hannah tried some bungee jumping. They didn't jump off of anything, they only went up about 20-25 feet with harnesses, but they could turn somersaults, if they wanted. Hannah really liked doing that, she is six. They would have liked to do it longer of course....

The rest of Friday, Saturday and Sunday we had fun with water fights, going to the water park and play ground equipment at the Fair grounds. Making giant bubbles, painting finger nails, playing games, more water fights anything to try and stay COOL. I say try.....because it has been over a hundred degrees for weeks now. The day I wrote this it was suppose to get to 113!! : (

Sunday afternoon we took them back to Russell where they got a ride with their other grandparents who live in Oakley back home. I got the pictures developed and they are in the mail. Looking forward to next year!

Ronald McDonald Houses collect pop tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because it's more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier. The program is an easy way for people of all ages to support RMHC and know they are making a difference for families and children.

If your local Ronald McDonald House participates in the program, it’s likely cardboard collection containers in the shape of a house have been distributed to schools, community and civic groups and other organizations in your area. Collect pop tabs to drop off at one of these areas, or contact your local House about getting a collection container that you can be responsible for filling through one of your own groups.

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